The Edition

Spotlight on: Molly Murray

"I listen to audiobooks from the library while I paint. The moods of the stories seep into my work for sure, color choices are impacted and especially the flow of my work."

One look at Molly Murray's floral beer can series and you can't help but smile. Read on below to learn more about her evolution and inspirations as a self-taught artist!

What is your favorite medium?

My favorite medium is gouache, it gives me a little more control and more pop color wise than regular water color.

When did you start creating?

I took art classes growing up but I assumed I would “grow up and get real job” at some point so I majored in marketing in college. I soon discovered that I needed a creative outlet in school (and a creative way to pad my GPA), so I minored in art. After graduating in 2013 I stopped completely and I was truly miserable. I finally picked up a pencil and paper again in 2017, I started with pen and ink and then started following artists on Instagram and bought the supplies they were using to figure out what I liked.

Are you a full time or part time artist? Full time.

"Beer Study 25"

What is a common misconception about contemporary artists?

That they need to go to art school to be a professional/real artist.

What is the most surprising thing you've discovered about collectors?

They are interested in the process and stories behind art as much as a piece of art itself.

What is your most unorthodox source of inspiration?

Books! I listen to audiobooks from the library while I paint. The moods of the stories seep into my work for sure, color choices are impacted and especially the flow of my work. A good book brings me into a flow state while creating where nothing is forced and that work usually ends up being the pieces I’m proudest of.

Molly in her studio

Tell us one piece of advice you would give people who want to start collecting art.

Pick something that makes you feel something. If it’s just pretty or well done by someone else’s standards you’ll get bored of looking at it. But if it makes you smile, reminds you of something, changes your mood, or makes you think, you’ll want it around forever.

A few more questions. Living or dead...

What artist would you follow on Instagram? Andy Warhol.

What artist would you most like to have drinks with?

Ashley Longshore, she seems like a good time and would give you brutally honest feedback and advice.

Artist Ashley Longshore (Photo courtesy of Ashley Longshore)

What artists are at your dinner party table?

Oh this is hard, it’s probably cheating but my sister, best friend, mom and her best friend are all artists and I would probably just have them to dinner. I moved away from home six months ago and I miss having people to call to just stop by and visit. I also don’t have a dinner table right now so we would just have a party on the couch.

Works from Molly's "Tallboys" series

Shop Molly's collection of works here!

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