The Edition

Elitist Judgement

Why does the art world feel so inaccessible?


Have you ever strolled through an art gallery, feeling like you've accidentally stumbled into an exclusive club where everyone speaks a language you don't under stand? Or perhaps you've scrolled through Instagram, marveling at the avant-garde pieces filling your feed, wondering how anyone could comprehend their meaning? If so, you're not alone. The art world often seems like an enigmatic fortress, guarded by a velvet rope of complexity and exclusivity. But fear not, we’re going to break down why the art world feels so inaccessible and you’ll soon discover that it's more approachable than you might think.


Art World Cult of Expertise

One of the main reasons the art world can feel intimidating is the perception that it's reserved for the elite few who possess an encyclopedic knowledge of art history and all the funds with which to buy. While expertise undoubtedly enriches the experience, it's not a prerequisite for enjoying and engaging with art. Art is subjective, and your personal connection with a work of art matters more than reciting its entire backstory.


Price Tags and Prestige

The exorbitant prices attached to some artworks contribute to the perception of exclusivity. When you hear about a painting selling for millions, it's easy to feel priced out of the conversation. However, art appreciation isn't about the price tag but the emotional and intellectual response it evokes. Thankfully, there are SO many great artists creating affordable artworks specifically for the novice collector.


Complexity and Elitism

The art world has its fair share of jargon and pretentiousness, which can alienate newcomers. Terms like "postmodernism" or "gestural abstraction" might sound intimidating at first, but they're simply tools for understanding and discussing art. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification – even seasoned art enthusiasts were beginners once.


Galleries as Gatekeepers

Traditional art galleries can sometimes feel like gated communities, with intimidating curators and strict protocols. However, the rise of alternative spaces, such as artist collectives, pop-up exhibitions, and online platforms, is challenging this exclusivity. These spaces often prioritize inclusivity and accessibility, making them perfect entry points for budding art enthusiasts.


Fear of Judgment

Perhaps the most significant barrier to engaging with art is the fear of appearing ignorant or unsophisticated. Remember, there are no wrong answers in art appreciation. Your interpretation is valid, and sharing your thoughts can spark fascinating conversations and new perspectives. Plus, there is no better feeling than when you can say, with 100% confidence, “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”


So, how can we make the art world more accessible? By demystifying its complexities, challenging its exclusivity, and embracing new venues for art collecting (hello, we’re RedDot, nice to meet you!). Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a curious novice, there's a place for you in the vibrant tapestry of the art world. So go ahead, break through that velvet rope – adventure and enlightenment await on the other side and the water’s warm.


Image courtesy of Jessica Hagy instagram (@jessica_hagy)
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